# Just a few thoughts...

I can't really sleep at the moment, and it's usually because I have something on my mind. Although these announcements aren't what's on my mind, I might as well put them out there instead of staring at my ceiling for a few hours.

# A break.

After my incident with the psych ward, and a few of the stressors that cause it, I decided that it would be best to take a step back from things and reassess my life. Find some new coping mechanisms, and maybe rekindle the relationships I have with my parents, that (I feel) has been deteriorating over time.

I'm not sure when I'll be back - I'll still be posting on this site and hanging out in my Discord server at https://discord.crystall1ne.dev (opens new window) - but streams and development will most likely be paused as I deal with my mental issues. I'm sorry for the unscheduled downtime for the past two weeks, at least now it's scheduled, heh.

# A developer.

With ASentientBot's generosity on subscribing to a higher Patreon tier, I was finally able to afford an Apple Developer Program account! It's a big step up from the free account limitations that Apple puts on developers, and I think I'll be able to do a lot more stuff with it. Now that I have access to more entitlements, I can do some pretty cool things with some of the apps I help develop (for those lucky enough to also have paid accounts, at least.)

Who knows - maybe I'll put something on the App Store as well. Comment your suggestions below if you want; I'm open to any platform too, especially now that I can develop apps for all five of Apple's operating systems.

# A server.

Ahhh, yes. One of my gifts to you people for Christmas: my Minecraft server. Do you ever have that feeling where you're hyped over an idea and execute it, but never take into account the requirements to keep it going? That's kinda what happened here - as sad as it is to say. This ties in with a few changes to XRCraft - another server network - so I'll be taking this to its own post to discuss.

Last Updated: 4/19/2024, 3:45:47 PM