# Future plans

So I had my time to think about things, although I forgot to clean my room. Job for another day, I guess. I wanted to share the solutions I came up with by thinking through it, though.

All three of my patrons said that I shouldn't feel bad for needing to delay or take so long to push out new content, and that it's okay because I'm busy with a lot at pretty much any given time, not to mention the stress of my life outside of the internet.

So, I'm going to take their advice and begin uploading content on my own schedule. Without deadlines, I can relieve some stress on my back. I don't really like deadlines in the first place, I just set them so that you would have a steady flow of content.

I also want to take this channel in a new direction, and focus on live streams. I've recently found a solid group to do things with in Destiny 2, people I have become comfortable with and can help me make some content that I wouldn't have been able to make on my own (more about these people in another blog post.) Live streams are also much more enjoyable because I can interact with you guys in real time, versus after the fact with comments. And, I can catch the funny bits even accidentally.

I'll still do prerecorded videos, but they will not be as frequent as live streams. They'll still, most likely, be in a format where I follow a series too. I'll also be setting them to Premiere mode for that extra live touch on things.

I thank you all for being patient with me throughout this half of the year that I've been on YouTube. Stay sharp, nerds!

Last Updated: 4/19/2024, 3:45:47 PM