# Blocked

It's really taking a while for my next video/stream to come out, I noticed that it's been almost three weeks since the last (probably even just three weeks - need to check again.) I'm guessing this is due to the high level of stressors in my life at the moment, with a lot going on that's keeping me distracted from it. Not to mention, being a full-time high school senior who just recently applied to college.

I find myself exhausted a lot during the day, even when I get home I become even more exhausted. And now my foot hurts when I walk.

I feel bad for not pushing new content within a reasonable time frame, like I said "one or two weeks." Especially given that I have Patreon supporters backing me up at the moment. I don't know, maybe I should let that go and feel free to upload on my own schedule from now on.

I think I just need some more time to think. Should also clean my room too... usually I feel a little better when my room is clean.

Last Updated: 4/19/2024, 3:45:47 PM