# Goodbye, jailbreakers.

When I joined the jailbreaking community in early 2021, I only wanted to make something big that would provide so many people with the joy I always wanted. This is why I chose to work on PojavLauncher, and pick up development of jetsamctl, add new features and make both better than ever before.

However, times have changed. I'm no longer the same person I was in 2021, who wasn't the same person I was in 2020. I still care about providing people with a good time, but things are different now.

  • PojavLauncher
    • We've launched our alpha testing phase for unjailbroken builds of the application, and so far things are working out pretty well.
  • Legacy Macs
    • I've become a member of the community, a happy community, helping out in every way that I can with the roads ahead of us.
  • Vtubing
    • I'm working hard to bring enjoyable and informational content to my viewers--starting off with a series on legacy Macs.
  • touchBarFun
    • I'm working with another developer to make the Touch Bar more useful--by bringing the menu bar to it.
  • Procursus
    • I'm already on the documentation team, and I really want to get into helping with the development of the macOS port of this excellent bootstrap.

I have many different projects going on now, that I didn't have back in 2020-2021. My focus has shifted to my future, and I want to live the life I want to have. That life doesn't have the space to fit the jailbreaking community anymore.

It was a fun ride, though. Keep breaking eggs.

Last Updated: 4/19/2024, 3:45:47 PM