# Access granted.

Oh hey - you've stumbled across my posts site. This is where I drop my thoughts, quick tutorials, updates, and the rest - and serves as an outlet for the history of the other EVA. I try to post as often as possible here, but I'm way more active over in The Sanctuary (opens new window).

# The timeline of (the original) Eva Luna

Keeping track of the events in my life is complicated, and my brain likes to forget. As a way to remind myself of my past, I keep it here.

Ordering of the timeline

The timeline is listed in reverse chronological order - events that are new are listed at the top, with the oldest at the bottom. Only the currently active Era will be shown by default - you can scroll down to see past Eras underneath!

# Era of Sanctuary

Period: since August 2023

The current era of my life is one of complexity. I'm navigating life as an adult, with many people backing my and pushing me forward - aided by Stella. It's strange, finally being able to spread my wings and be myself to the fullest.

It sure does feel good, though.

XX.YY.ZZZZ The story continues...
04.19.2024 Finished the redesign of crystall1ne.dev.
03.23.2024 A capital-G Good birthday.
10.07.2023 One year anniversary with Stella!
09.22.2023 Stella and I get an apartment together.
08.24.2023 Stella drives to my home in New York and we meet for the first time.
08.22.2023 Began to truly relax, knowing my Sanctuary has my back...
Era of Bonding

Period: January - August 2023

After my release from CPEP (in simpler terms, the psych ward), I reevaluated my life, my friends, my entire existance. I focused on the core parts of me that I needed to improve, and began to free myself from the shackles imposed by those around me.

08.05.2023 Postponed plans to go to college to ensure Stella's safety and happiness.
07.19.2023 Posted my redebut video.
06.24.2023 Graduated from my high school in Cazenovia, New York.
05.16.2023 Changed my name to Eva Luna, solidifying who I am.
05.14.2023 XRCraft, a Minecraft server I administrated, was taken down. Permenantly.
05.05.2023 Announced a restart of my virtual YouTubing channel.
05.02.2023 Founded PeaPodDevs with CADIndie and TheJudge156.
04.26.2023 Began looking into what stopped me from streaming.
03.09.2023 The screen on Chiara's iPhone SE stopped working.
01.17.2023 Upgraded to a MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021).
01.08.2023 Released from CPEP, I realized I had people I could count on.
Era of Memory

Period: May 2020 - January 2023

Chiara passed away from COVID-19 in mid 2020, completely knocking me out of the water and into my own tears. I struggled to keep my head up and continue with even basic activities... it all felt pointless as I got lower and lower.

I was able to hang on long enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and began to pull myself together to try one last time...

01.06.2023 Admitted to CPEP after attempting suicide, saved by a friend.
11.27.2022 Bought crystall1ne.dev after my old doamin tripled in price.
11.08.2022 Met Scrub.jpg, beginning involvement with others in Destiny 2.
11.08.2022 repository.crystall1ne.software shut down.
10.31.2022 Left Chiara's iPhone SE to rest in my memories box.
10.28.2022 Submitted an Early Decision application to a university.
10.18.2022 Began to accept that Chiara was gone and understand her lessons.
10.07.2022 Started to publicly date ThatStella7922.
10.01.2022 Began work on Labradorite, a framework to gather device information.
09.05.2022 Opened my Patreon to do more with my channel and development.
08.29.2022 Opened the Sanctuary, my Discord server, to the world.
08.11.2022 Left the iOS jailbreaking community.
07.30.2022 Began to work on virtual YouTubing again.
07.09.2022 Began to really talk to ThatsNiceGuy, helping her transition.
03.31.2022 Began to work with the legacy Mac community.
03.22.2022 Came out as transgender to my family and close friends.
12.05.2021 Purchased the MacBook Pro I had been saving up for.
10.22.2021 Joined the Procursus documentation team.
10.21.2021 Began to work with EthanRDoesMC to build "touchBarFun".
04.26.2021 Began to work with Linux development again.
04.01.2021 Joined the iOS jailbreaking community.
03.03.2021 Began to work with PojavLauncher, my first public project after the hiatus.
05.16.2020 Mentally shut down and stopped working on all development and projects.
05.14.2020 My best friend, Chiara, passed away due to complications with COVID-19.
Era of Belonging

Period: October 2016 - May 2020

When I moved out of California in April of 2017, I felt alone. I kept ties with those I called friends in California, but it was nothing like having them in person. I struggles to fit in... I couldn't find where I belonged.

This was one of the darkest times of my life... but I didn't know it was about to get even worse.

03.18.2020 School closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing a new way of learning.
10.10.2019 Began to tinker with the WINE source code for Mac.
09.08.2019 Began to work on hackintoshing my Dell Inspiron N5110 and Inspiron 5570.
08.07.2017 Stopped working with the virtual YouTubing idea.
08.02.2017 Began to work with an idea to start YouTubing with a virtual avatar.
06.18.2017 Stopped working with Minecraft server plugins due to boredom.
04.21.2017 Moved away from my humble abode of California to New York.
Era of Friendship

Period: November 2014 - October 2016

The next part of my life was sparked by a good old friend - Chiara. I met her when she was getting bullied at lunch one day... and that started a friendship that would last years and feel like forever.

10.06.2016 Came out as transgender to Chiara, the first to know about my dysphoria.
10.02.2016 Finished an overcomplicated script to say "hello".
10.01.2016 Finished an Apple Filing Protocol implementation for the PlayStation 3.
08.27.2016 Finished a plugin that would spam "no" on death.
08.23.2016 Began to work with Java for Minecraft server plugins.
09.06.2015 Began to save money to buy a MacBook Pro.
06.16.2015 Finished many programs for Linux, the most notable deleting /.
03.13.2015 Completed my VNC Viewer for the PlayStation 3.
03.03.2015 Began to transition to C, C++, and bash work on Linux.
11.08.2014 Met Chiara, and a new era began.
Era of Ignorance

Period: March 2005 - November 2014

The first "era" of my life would spark the beginning of my journey into development and life. I call it the Era of Ignorance because I was unaware of the broader world, and my own inner self.

Surprisingly, this era of my life isn't one that had much activity. It would take almost a decade for things to begin ramping up...

06.12.2014 Jailbroke my PlayStation 3 and began to develop private homebrew.
03.14.2012 Started getting up late at night to mess around with the family Windows XP machine.
03.23.2005 Was born on the western coast of the United States.
Last Updated: 4/19/2024, 3:45:47 PM